Short:        Really cool new clock for WB 3.0
Author:       Daniel Charles Kovacs
Uploader:     dkovacs cyberbeach net (Daniel Kovacs)
Type:         util/wb
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Tired of those little clock utilities that sit (probably in your way) on the
workbench screen?  I know I was, so I wrote my own clock program to deal
with it.

What it does is open on a 640x400 32 color screen, and displays the clock
there (although a little off center).  It is system-friendly, can be
promoted to any display mode and takes very little memory (less than 50K).

Although it does not have many features, it does look nice - a textured
font generated by Daniel Kovacs is used in this program (compiled with
the clock program).


To invoke the clock, double click it's icon or run it from the CLI.  As of
yet, it does not take command line arguements (next version).

To quit, press CTRL-C (I coded in SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C in the wait statement),
it performs a completly clean exit.


If you need help or wish to contact me, I can be reached at:

Daniel Kovacs
Box 958
Lion's Head
Ontario Canada
N0H 1W0

(before May 1, 1998)
(705) 523 0899

(after May 1, 1998)
(519) 793 4431