Short: Antialiased ("Smooth!ed") text on Intui-screens Author: "Bastian Frank" <> Uploader: "Bastian Frank" <frankba informatik tu-muenchen de> Type: util/wb Architecture: m68k-amigaos Smooth! pre-relase 2 formerly known as "PatchFonts" --------------------------------------------------- What is it? =========== Smooth! tries to antialias text-outputs on every high/truecolor screen. Many people wanted to test Smooth!, and although it isn't finished yet, I decided to distribute a pre-release version. This is the second pre-release with many improvments over the last public release. Requirements ============ Cybergraphics V2+, OS/WB 3.0+, about 4-8 MB, 68030+ recommended. Be Careful ========== Smooth! isn't finished yet! I'm not responsible for any damage this program may cause.