Short: MagicWB's like palette. Darker palette but MagicWB icon still look good. Author: Uploader: rougier ss3 univ-poitiers fr Type: util/wb Architecture: m68k-amigaos I like MagicWB icon but not the palette, just because it was too bright. This palette blow my eye. I can't understand how people can use such bright screen ! Well I can support it on a amiga's friend ...but this friend own a GFX card with 76Hz refresh rate ! At such refresh rate even pure white screen can be used. So it is my Palette and some of my friend wich had the same probleme. I had spend lots of time to find darker color and still have the same organisation than MagicWB. So MagicWB icon stil look lovely. If someone can make another palette, let me know... S.Rougier PS: well, don't understand that text as a blame on MagicWB. This is just a point wich annoy me.