Short: Fix AmigaGuide v40 to show older guides Author: (Ben Hutchings) Uploader: benjamin hutchings worcester oxford ac uk (Ben Hutchings) Type: util/sys Version: 1.0 Requires: amigaguide.datatype v40.12 Architecture: m68k-amigaos AmigaGuides were a great idea but it's virtually impossible to create a decent hypertext document in AmigaGuide form. There's not much that can be done about this until some new standard emerges for Amiga hypertext, but for the time being AGPatch attempts to fix some of the absurd incompatibilities between different versions of amigaguide.datatype. It only works with amigaguide.datatype v40.12, which as far as I know is the last version publicly released. This is included in the OS 3.1 upgrade pack and on many magazine cover-CDs; you do not need 3.1 ROMs to use it. Ben Hutchings 43 Harrison Close Reigate Surrey RH2 7HS ENGLAND email: WWW: