Short: Replaces XfdList, featured arguments Author: (Álmos Rajnai) Uploader: bdf11146 fs2 bdtf hu (Álmos Rajnai) Type: util/pack Requires: Xfdmaster.library, Kick2.0 or higher Architecture: m68k-amigaos --------------------------------------------------------------------- XfdDir V1.0 Short description: This small tool replaces XfdList from Xfd package, helps you to clue out if there one or more files are packed or not. It has much more arguments than a simple dir/filename and a recursive sign, like XfdList. Template: XfdDir DIR,P=PATTERN/K,NP=NOPACK/S,NU=NOUNPACK/S,NT=NOTYPE/S,ALL/S Usage: It gives you a simple list of the specified files, and you can easily control the output. Arguments are: DIR String, file or directory path, what you want to examine. PATTERN String, matching pattern for files. Gives you more filtering possibility. NOPACK Switch, turns off displaying packed files in output. NOUNPACK Switch, turns off displaying unpacked files in output. NOTYPE Switch, turns off displaying type of the packer each files or unpacked sign. ALL Switch, turns on recursive directory search for files. Why is this tool useful for you? Probably same for me: I decided to search for yet unpacked files on my hard disk, and then produce a filelist for my batch packing. Eg.: XfdDir >Ram:filelist Work: P=~(#?.info|#?/libs/#?|#?/fonts/#?) NP NT ALL What is this do for you? Produce a list of unpacked files, but it won't examine .info, libs and fonts. (Well, you can add suffixes, but it is much easier to filter by directories, like I did.) Contact with the author/bug report: e-mail preferred (, but snail mail is also available: Álmos Rajnai 8360 Keszthely Bercsényi M. u. 46. Hungary Any reaction is welcome. Warranties: Keep in mind: this software is provided "AS IS", and author takes no responsible of any harm caused by use or misuse of the program!