Short: Transf. via PC disks (2*faster, splits) Author: Marcin Orlowski , Tadek Knapik Uploader: Marcin Orlowski Type: util/misc Version: 1.6 Replaces: util/misc/SaveNames* Architecture: m68k-amigaos Www: INTRODUCTION ------------------ Some people (like me) are forced to use pee-cee machines to transfer files from internet to my Amiga (it doesn't mean I've bought a pc for my own! I use (big word:) it only at my technical university). As you all know, no one needs more chars to name his files than 8.3, which seems to be a 'professional filename format'. Any other, longer names are obsolete and should be forbidden. Unfortunately both Amiga and Unix based machines use longer names for their files, so transfering files between those platforms via pc causes 90% of name (mainly dots :) to be eaten by pc. So I decided to cure this. SaveNames is the medicine against. LATEST CHANGES ------------------ * v1.6 - Fixed 'theoretical' bug which may caused SN to leave opened file. The bug was 'theoretical' as level2 files are automagically closed on program termination. But that was bug anyway. - Splitting uses now buffered IO. This should increase splitting performance at least twice. Default buffer size is 2KB which seems to be optimal. - Amiga binary recompiled with SAS\C 6.58 and optimized for size (time optimizer makes no sense in this case). - FREEBSD platform defined