Short:        Executes some CLI-commands on reset
Author: (Johannes Geiss)
Uploader:     jgeiss muc de (Johannes Geiss)
Type:         util/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Version:  1.1

Installes a reset handler which executes some commands on case of a reset


    ExecuteOnReset "Copy RAM:log to dh1: quiet noreq" "Wait 3 secs"

    This installes a reset handler, which copies a file from the RAM
    disk to dh1 in case of a reset (CTRL-AMIGA-AMIGA). The Wait
    command is necessary to avoid a non validated disk on dh1.

Usage: Run <>NIL: ExecuteOnReset [-p pri] string1 [string2] ...
       -p pri    - priority (default: 0)
       string1   - command line 1 to execute
       string2   - optional command line 2 to execute
       ...     - more command lines.

Installes a reset handler which executes the command lines on case of a reset
(CTRL-Amiga-Amiga). After execution of all commands the handler continues with
the reset (or other installed reset handlers) imediately! So if you do some
disk tasks add a "Wait 3 secs" line as last command to avoid non validated
disks. You must be cautionous: The Amiga allows a maximum of 10 seconds to do
all reset handler tasks. After this amount of time a hard reset occurs
regardless if a command has finished or not. If you install more reset
handlers you can choose the order of execution by the priority argument.
The Run command is necessary to detach from the shell. A CTRL-C signal
removes the handler.


    Some old Amigas do not have a hardware support for keyboard reset
    handlers. If you try this on such machines the program will not work.

    This software (including the source codes) is free but remains
    copyrighted (C) 2000 by Johannes Geiss (Amigavisions).

    USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I'm not responsible for any damage
    or data loss which this program may cause. If you are not sure about
    this program read the sources.

Have fun
Johannes Geiss (