Short: V1.0, Open Shell window on its own screen. Author: (Andrew Bell) Uploader: andrew ab2000 bigfoot com (Andrew Bell) Type: util/misc Requires: OS39+ (WB3.0), MC68020 Architecture: m68k-amigaos ABShell is copyright © 1998 Andrew Bell ABShell is a simple program that enables the user to open a shell window on its own screen, by doing this the Workbench screen will be free for other windows. The screen created by ABShell will be a clone of the Workbench screen. The screen is closed automatically when the last window is removed. The screen is public and will normally be called ABSHELL_SCR.x, where x is, is the screens number. ABShell can be launched from WB or Shell. USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOU OWN RISK. Visit: to get the latest release of this program and to see all of my other work.