Short: Generic Game Tree Library Author: (Matthias Rustler) Uploader: mrustler t-online de (Matthias Rustler) Type: util/libs Version: 0.1 Requires: OS3.1 Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is a port of ggtl (generic game tree library), sl (stack libaray) and opt (command line options library) to the AmigaOS. I have ported the examples Othello and Connect4 to Intuition. The source code is released under GPL and is included. See for the original Linux release. What is GGTL? ------------- GGTL (Generic Game-Tree Library) is a library aiming to ease the creation of computer games. It is written in ANSI C and released under the GNU GPL for maximum portability and accessibility. Ease of use was one of the main areas of focus when creating GGTL. GGTL is targeted in particular at two-player zero-sum perfect-information games. A zero-sum game is any game where an advantage for one player results in an equally large disadvantage for the opponent. Perfect-information means that the state of the game will not change while the player is taking time to chose her move, i.e. players alternate taking moves. Examples of games where GGTL can be used are Chess, Othello, Checkers and Go. For these games, GGTL provides game-tree search utilising MiniMax search with Alpha-Beta pruning (briefly explained below, in case this means nothing to you). It also automatically provides history and unlimited undo for any games it is used with. Additionally, GGTL can write game information to a file and restore from it with no loss of history (full undo-capabilities and history is available on resumed programs too). GGTL can be useful even for games that do not meet all of the above criteria. For many such games, GGTL can still provide history and undo-facilities as well as well as the ability to save and resume. Differences between Amiga port and original code ------------------------------------------------ It isn't a shared library. The makefile just creates object (*.o) files which you should link wih your game source code. GGTL uses a function from timer device. This means you must open the timer device and set TimerBase, otherwise the program will crash. (see example code for Othello and Connect4.) I have used GCC3.3. The source is ANSI C. It should compile with other Amiga C compilers, but I can't guarantee.