Short: Datatype for animated gifs Author: Roland Mainz, Fredrik Wikstrom (OS4 port) Uploader: fredrik a500 org (Fredrik Wikstrom) Type: util/dtype Version: 2.5 Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 This is a quick & dirty OS4 port of Roland Mainz's gifanim.datatype ( INSTALLATION: 1. copy animgif.datatype to SYS:Classes/DataTypes/ 2. copy ANIMGIF and/or GIF to DEVS:DataTypes/ If you only copy the ANIMGIF descriptor then the default gif.datatype will be used for non-anim gifs while this one will only be used for anim gifs. CONFIGURATION: For information on what configuration options are available check the prefs.c file. f.e. to disable the default looping (NOLOOP option) and enable verbode mode (VERBOSE option) the following can be used: setenv Classes/DataTypes/gifanim.prefs "NOLOOP VERBOSE" save Note: TRUECOLOR mode crashes/doesn't work at the moment and should therefore not be used. Apart from that I haven't tested many of the options so can't tell whether they work or not. CHANGES: (27-Sep-06): - added OS4 native ANIMGIF descriptor file (thanks to Chris Young) 2.5 (13-Sep-06): - added NOLOOP option to disable default looping. 2.4 (12-Sep-06): - playback now loops by default (DTA_Repeat set to TRUE). 2.3 (10-Sep-06): - first OS4 native release.