Short: Directory Opus 5.82 source code Author: Jonathan Potter Uploader: anonymous Type: util/dopus Architecture: generic Directory Opus 5 is hereby released as free software under the AROS PUBLIC LICENSE. Please READ this license and make sure you understand the terms and conditions of this license. This release was made possible by a bounty ( - many thanks to the contributors and to Olaf Schönweiß for organising this. Please note: Directory Opus is a registered trademark of GP Software. GP Software hereby grants a limited licence for use of this trademark in relation to software derived from this source code, under the terms of the APL, running on "Amigoid" platforms such as AROS, AmigaOS and MorphOS only. The use of the Directory Opus trademark is restricted to these platforms; it is expressly forbidden to make use of this trademark in relation to software compiled and/or written for any other platform including Windows and Mac OsX. The release of Directory Opus 5 under the APL in NO WAY affects the existing commercial status of Directory Opus for Windows. For more information on Directory Opus for Windows please see: -- Directory Opus 5 (the last commercial release was 5.82) was compiled under SAS/C 6. Compilation with other compilers is certainly possible, but it is left to the individual to make any changes necessary. Note that a small amount of 68000 assembly code is also used; this would need to be converted to C/C++ before compilation on non-68000 platforms could be possible. Jonathan Potter GP Software November 29, 2012