Short: DOpus4.x configuration V2.60 Author: (Marcel Rohles) Uploader: mrohles wtal de (Marcel Rohles) Type: util/dopus Version: 2.60 Replaces: biz/dopus/DOpusCFG.lha Architecture: generic Kurz: DOpus 4.x Konfiguration V2.60, größtest erhältliches Konfigfile Required: many programs, list included DOpusCFG is MAILWARE What is it?: DOpusConfig is a configuration file for Directory Opus 4.xx. For detailed information about features please read the history part in this document. You can use this config file as is is and will get some error messages while e.g. double click on AVI/Movie files because required program is configured to my harddisk-path or you can edit the config to suit to your own system For an overview over all configured pathes please check included DOpusConfig-Requirements file. DOpusCFG is MAILWARE. So if you use it, you will have to send me an e-mail. Also visit my homepage under: Installation: At first check requirements, so have a look at DOpusConfig-Requirements included in this packet - if you want to use all features you have to install all of them! OK, let´s go on - I guess you are using DOpus, don´t you? Just get it from AMINET:biz/dopus/DOpus***JRbin.lha After installing DOpus rename your old config file into DirectoryOpus.cfg.old (or something else) and copy all files in c/ to your c: assign, fonts/ to fonts:, etc. At last add an assign REXX: to your REXX directory and copy contents of rexx/ directory into it. Now you are able to use the new config file and have fun with it! Some overview: o Menues with options for Special / Packing / Converter o More than 120 configured Buttons o Supports more than 160 filetypes! (* / ** means filetype is recognised only by name pattern matching) Whats new since last release?: V2.60 NEW: - Shortcuts are now case-sensitive, so RAmi-c and RAmi-C are ===== different shortcuts CHANGED: - Shortcuts for New Name and Makedir switched, F3 now renames Buttons: ======== NEW === !! Button shortcuts are case-sensitive now! !! Use *** right *** Amiga and *** right *** shift key for menu shortcuts !! and Ctrl and *** left *** shift for button shortcuts CHANGED ======= - Row5 / Button1 "Scan" renamed to "ScanDir" because this is what it really does, scan a directory for a given filename Removed shortcut TIP: Better use Row1 / Button2 "Catalogue MAKE" to create a catalogfile of your harddisk and search from any position in DOpus just by clicking Row5 / Button2 "Find ROOT:" Filetypes: ========== NEW === - AC1D: AC1D-DC1A-Packer song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - AR: Debian-Unix "archiver". Today it is only used to create link libraries of compiled code. Used in gcc contributions. Something compareable with TAR, archiver without compression. Double-click: List archive contents Command Read: List archive contents of all selected files Command User1: Decrunches archive into destination directory Command User2: Opens archive with Voodoo-X ----------------- Requires: - xadmaster*.lha - AST: Action Amics song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - CHAN: Channel Player song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - DI: Digital Illusions song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - DMU: Digital Mugician song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - DVB : DVB 2000 Data (DVB), general data (DVSO), Colorset (DVCO) and DVSO DVB Control Prefsfile (DVBC) DVCO DVBC Double-click: After an verify DVB Controll will be loaded ----------------- Requires: - dvbcontrol.lha - GMC: Game music creator song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - IMS: Image Music Sytem song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - JCB: J. C. Brooke song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - JO: Jesper Olsen song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - LHA6: LHA Archiv, using lh6 compression. Those archives will only be decrunched by LHA V2+ and xadmaster library. I added this filetype because the old registered lha archives and decrunches much more faster than V2. You can also decrunch this archives with xadmaster library but due to speed reasons this is not recommended. Double-click: List contents of archive Command Read: Test archive contents Command User1: Decrunches contents Command User2: Opens archive with Voodoo-X ----------------- Requires: - LHA22.lha - MMDC: MED Packer song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - MFP: Magnetic Fields Packer song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - MOD2: Noise / Sound / Protracker V2. No, this isn´t a new song format, I just needed more space in file class list in DOpus as those entried are limited per filetype. Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - NP2: Noise Packer 2.x song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - NP3: Noise Packer 3.x song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - NTP: Novo Trade Packer song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - P40|41:The Player 4.x module Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - P50|61:The Player 5.x/6.x module Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - PAP: Pierre Adane Packer song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - PKR: PGP public keyblock, PGP datafile which includes public and / or secret keyfiles to add. Double-click: Add keyrings to keyfile ----------------- Requires: - Install-PGP5.lha - PP21: Pro Packer 2.1 song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - PP30: Pro Packer 3.0 song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - PRU2: Pro Runner 2.0 Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - RH: Rob Hubbard song Double-click: Check signature of file Command User1: Check signature of selected files ----------------- Requires: - Install-PGP5.lha - SIG: PGP signature data. Double-click: Check signature of file Command User1: Check signature of selected files ----------------- Requires: - Install-PGP5.lha - SPCH: SAS/C spatch datafile Double-click: Apply patch to selectable file ----------------- Requires: - spatcher1_0.lha - SRF: Lightwave Surface data. Double-click: Load Lightwave ----------------- Requires: - Lightwave V5+ - TGA: TARGA graphic format. Command Double-click: Display selected file with visage Command User2: Edit graphic with Photogenics4 ----------------- Requires: - targadtype.lha - visage.lha - Photogenics V4 - TIM: Playstation graphic format, 24bit support at the moment only. Displays PSX images. Command Double-click: Shows selected file using visage ----------------- Requires: - psximgtls.lha - visage.lha - TP3: Trackerpacker 3 song Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha CHANGED ======= General better detection of various sound formats. - DLN: Dave Lowe, Dave Lowe new song. Added recognition of Dave Lowe new song format Double-click: Play song with EaglePlayer2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with Eagle Player2 ----------------- Requires: - Eagleplayer201.lha - MIDI: Added support for Timidity. Button USER1 will render selected MIDI files to wave filetype into destination directory. User selectable frequence and bitrate. Command User1: Render midi to wave file ----------------- Requires: - AmiTiMiDiTy.lha - PGP: Filetype updated to support PGP v5 ONLY. Due to syntax and program changes in PGP 5, support for PGP v2 and v5 in DOpus is a task for batch-programming. Double-click: Decrypts file Command User1: Decrypts all selected files ----------------- Requires: - Install-PGP5.lha - SA: Sonic Arranger song is now played with DeliTracker2, I have bad crashes using EaglePlayer with SonicArranger format. Double-click: Play song with DeliTracker2 Command Read: Play all selected songs with DeliTracker2 ----------------- Requires: - DeliTracker227.lha - TIFF: Replaced TIFF-View with visage display, using WarpTIFF to display images. Double-click: Display image using visage ----------------- Requires: - Visage.lha - TIFF datatype, recommended WarpTIFF Menues: ======= NEW === - Menu1 / NewShell Opens a new shell window - Menu1 / Print Dir Prints seleted directory - Menu1 / Load last saved config Loads last saved configuration file - Menu1 / Reset configuration Will load DOpus internal config data, see how ugly it was! CHANGED ======= - Menu1 / Button Iconify Added shortcut: RightAmiga + "I" - Menu1 / Configuration New Shortcut is: RightAmiga + "c" (Not RightAmiga + "C") - Menu2 / Archive-Contents scan added scanning for ACE-Archives, Filelist now includes full pathname to scanned archive - Menu2 / Copy new files Replaced Amiga copy command with CopyReplace. Copy Replace will create needed directories during copy process, great for differential backup use, now complete directory structure for each file will be used. ----------------- Requires: - CopyReplace.lha - Menu2 / MakeCD Add to Filelist Added shortcut: RightAmiga + "m" - Menu2 / MakeCD Add to Filelist PATH Added shortcut: RightAmiga + "M" - Menu2 / MakeCD Kill path in Filelist Added shortcut: RightAmiga + "k" - Menu4 / LZX pack New shorcut is: RightAmiga + "x" - Menu4 / LZX DIR pack New shortcut is: RightAmiga + "X" - Menu4 / Lha pack Added shortcut: RightAmiga + "l" - Menu4 / ZIP pack Added shortcut: RightAmiga + "z" - Menu4 / T-GZIP pack Added shortcut: RightAmiga + "g" - Menu4 / GZIP pack Added shortcut: RightAmiga + "G" - Menu4 / TAR archive Added shortcut: RightAmiga + "t" - Menu4 / DMS pack Added shortcut: RightAmiga + "d" - Menu5 / XXX ---> LZX New shortcut is: RightAmiga + "1" - Menu5 / MPEG-Clean-r Added shortcut: RightAmiga + "0" Filetypes overview: Class Class ID ---------------------------------------------------------- 24-Bit IFF-Picture ILBM24 3ivx movie 3IVX AC1D-DC1A-Packer song AC1D Action Amics song AST ADF-DiskFiles ADF ADF-DiskFiles ADZ ADPCM digisound ADPCM AHX / THX song AHX AIFF-Audio file AIFF AR Debian-Unix archiver AR ARJ-Archiv ARJ ARexx script AREXX AVI-Movie AVI Ace archive ACE Activision Pro song ACTPRO AmiPack-Archiv AMPK Amiga Meta File AMF Amiga-Guide Text GUIDE Amos music bank AMBK Art & Magic song AM Art of Noise song AON BMP-picture BMP BZIP archive BZIP Benn Daglish song BD CDXL-Animation CDXL ** Channel Player song CHAN Chiptracker song KRIS DIVX;-) AVI - movie DIVX;-) Dave Lowe, Dave Lowe new song DLN David Whittaker / DW Old DW Deltamusic 2.0 DM Diavolo 2000 Backup File DIAVO4 Diavolo 3 Backup File DIAVO3 DigiBooster (Pro) song DBM Digita Organiser DORG Digital Illusions song DI Digital Mugician DMU Directory Opus V4 config file DO4CFG DiskMasher-Archive DMS DVB 2000 General datafile DVSO DVB 2000 Colorset DVCO DVB 2000 Data DVB DVB Control Prefsfile DVBC Face The Music song FTM Fast Tracker 2 song XM FinalCopy/Writer document SWRT Fli/Flc Animation FLI/FLC Fred Mon song FRED Future Composer 1.3 / 1.4 FC Game Music Creator GMC GIF-picture GIF GPatch Patchfile GPATCH GSM-Sound GSM * GZIP archive GZIP Glue Mon song GMON HIPPEL / Hippel-COSO song HIP(C) Html-Site HTML ** IFF-Animation ANIM IFF-Deep picture DEEP IFF-Picture ILBM ISO CD-Image (Only Mode 1, TAO) ISO Images Music System IMS J. C. Brooke song JCB JPEG/JFIF-Bild JPEG Jam Cracker song JAMC Jason Page Old / New JP(N) Jesper Olsen song JO LHA-Archiv LHA LHA-Archiv, LH6 compression LHA6 LZX-Archiv LZX LightWave Scene file LWS Lightwave Surface data SRF Lightwave Object file LWO MAUD-Sample MAUD MAXON-Cinema 4D Datafile C4D MD5 Checksum file MD5 ** MED Packer MMDC MIDI file MIDI MPEG-Animation MPEG MPEG1-Audio Layer 1,2,3 MPEGA Magnetic Fields Packer MFP Maniac of Noise song MON Mark 2 Old MIIO Mark Cooksey song MC Max Trax song MAXT Metaview CGM CGM Metaview DR2D DR2D Metaview FIG FIG Movieshop V3.6+ project MOVPROJ Movieshop V4+ scene file MOVSCN Music Line Editor MLED Noise / Sound / Protracker song MOD Noise / Sound / Protracker V2 MOD2 Noise Packer 2.x NP2 Noise Packer 3.x NP3 Novo Trade Packer song NTP OS 2.1 + Catalog file CATALOG OctaMED V0 - V2 MED OctaMED V3 - SoundStudio MED3 Oktalyzer song OKTA PCX-picture PCX PDF/PS-File PDF/PS PGP message PGP PGP public key block PKR PGP signature data SIG PNG-picture PNG PPM file PPM PSX Gamedata file (.PSX) PSX PSX MemoryCard file (MCD) MCD PSX TIM graphic, 24bit TIM PSX Video files STREAM Pierre Adane Packer song PAP Piktogramm ICON Playstation patch file PPF Profi Team Soundfactory PSF Pro Packer 2.1 PP21 Pro Packer 3.0 PP30 Pro Runner 2.0 PRU2 Quicktime-Movie MOV * RAR-Archiv RAR REBOL program REBOL Reko-Cardset REKO Rob Hubbard song RH Rob Hubbard 2 song RH2 Ron Klaren song RK Run Archive RUN SASC spatch data SPCH SHRINK Archive SHR SID Mon 1.0 / 2.0 song SIDMON SID song SID SUNtronic song SUNTR SZIP Archiv SZIP Screamtracker 1 - 3 song S3M Shockwave animation SWF Sonic Arranger song SA Sound Control 3.0/3.2/4.0/5.0 SCT Sound Master song SNDM Sound Mon 1 / 2.2 BP(3) SoundFX 1.3 SFX Stone Tracker SPM Super Smooth Animation SSA Symphony mod SYMM TAR-Archiv TAR ** TAR-Archiv, GZIP packed TGZ TGA graphic TGA The Player 4.x P40|41 The Player 5.x/6.x P50|61 TFMX song TFMX TIFF picture TIFF Tim Follin 2 song TF Trackerpacker 3 song TP3 TrueTypeFont TTF Turboprint Graphic Publisher TP VOC audio file VOC Vectordean song RDAT WAVE Soundfile WAVE Windows CAB Archive FILE or EXE CAB Windows Meta File WMF xDM Archiv XDM XPK-packed file XPK YAFA-Animation YAFA YM2149 song YMST Z80 Emulator song ZXAY ZIP Archiv ZIP ZOO-Archiv ZOO