Short: GeoWriteImport Author: Maurice Randall Uploader: polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal) Type: util/conv Version: 1.0 (January 24, 1996) Requires: reqtools.library Architecture: m68k-amigaos URL: ** GeoWriteImport ** Copyright 1996 by Maurice Randall Version 1.0 Release January 24, 1996 ABOUT THE PROGRAM This program is useful for those that use GEOS on a 64 or 128 and also have a need to transfer their GeoWrite wordprocessing documents to their Amiga into a format that is usable by an Amiga wordprocessor. The program expects the GeoWrite document to be in a 'converted' format which is a format that can be uploaded and downloaded over a modem. This format is also easily manipulated by copy programs outside of GEOS. GEOS users who are also familiar with telecommunications are already familiar with converting GEOS files using Convert 2.5 or geoSHELL's convert command. Either method will put the GeoWrite document into a format that GeoWriteImport can work with. Once converted to this format, the file can then be transferred from the 64/128 to the Amiga through a modem, or by using Big Blue Reader on the 64/128 to put the file onto an MS-DOS formatted disk and then using the disk on the Amiga with CrossDos. GeoWrite files which are also found on online networks can also be used by GeoWriteImport since they are already in the convert format. GeoWriteImport will strip all the unnecessary GeoWrite control codes as well as the file header and the convert header which are both at the beginning of the file. The resulting file on the Amiga will be in plain ASCII format with all carriage return characters found at the end of paragraphs changed to linefeed characters. TABS are saved as real TAB characters instead of being converted to spaces. Keep in mind that the linefeed characters will only be at the end of the paragraphs and not at the end of a screenwidth line. For this reason, you will only want to load the documents into a true wordprocessor, rather than a text editor. Text editors normally will allow lines wider than a screenwidth and so the text will end up displaying in an undesirable method causing you to scroll the screen to read it. A wordprocessor, on the other hand, will format the text within the margins that you choose to display or print the text in. Requirements: Any Amiga should work with this program, however since it makes use of ReqTools, you will need to have the reqtools.library in your LIBS: directory. (Note: ReqTools is Copyright (c) Nico François) IMPORTING A GEOWRITE FILE Using GeoWriteImport is very simple. It may be run from a CLI/Shell or from the Workbench. From the Shell, simply enter GeoWriteImport. From the Workbench, just click on the GeoWriteImport icon. A file requestor will come up asking you to select a GeoWrite file. Once you have done so, the file will be analyzed to make sure it is a GeoWrite file. If not, then the program will end after displaying an error message. If you have chosen a valid GeoWrite file, then another requestor will pop up asking you for the path and filename to save the new document under. You will notice that the original name of the GeoWrite file will be listed with an extension of '_gw' added to it. The extension is added to avoid any conflict with the source file should you save the new file into the same directory. You may change the filename if you'd like as well as the directory you wish to save the file to. Just be careful with the spelling so as not to overwrite the original file. Once you have selected a path, and clicked on 'OK', the conversion process will begin. When it is finished, the requestor will pop up again in case you wish to convert another file. If you do not wish to convert another, simply click on 'CANCEL' and the program will end. In order that you may test this program, I've included a GeoWrite document within this archive. It is actually a copy of this same documentation that you are reading right now. The main difference is that the file does not have end of line characters at the end of each line, but only at the end of each paragraph. It is also named a little differently for obvious reasons. SELECTING MULTIPLE FILES You also have the choice of importing more than one file at a time. From the file requester that allows you to choose the source file, hold down the SHIFT key while making more than one selection. When you have selected all the files you wish to import, click on OK. The main difference now is that instead of being allowed to choose the destination directory as well as the name you would like to save the file as, you can only choose the destination directory. All the files that will be created will automatically have the '_gw' tacked on to their filenames. IN CLOSING... Thanks for trying this. This is my first 'real' Amiga program. It is written using Amiga E by Wouter van Oortmerssen, a very nice programming language for the Amiga. I hope you can make some use of this with any GeoWrite files you might want to download and use in the Amiga. As time goes on, I might add additional features to this. For comments or suggestions, I may be reached at: On GEnie as: M.RANDALL2 On Delphi as: ARCA93 On the Internet as: On my own BBS, The Speed Zone: Email to Maurice Randall Or using the slow mode: Maurice Randall P.O. Box 606 Charlotte MI 48813