Short: Sort files into 0-9 & A to Z Drawers Author: Nick Clover - Uploader: Nick Clover - bauk uksysops com Type: util/cli Version: 1 Requires: Nothing ;) Architecture: m68k-amigaos DON'T BLAME ME, I wrote this thing for my own use... What it is: A Dos script to help keep your files in alphabetical order Developed on: · A4000, Cyberstorm 060/50, 82Mb Ram, Picasso IV + Picasso96, CygnusEd V4.20 Requirements: OS 2+ Standard C: commands move (included in archive) Installation: Copy SortA-Z and Move into C: Usage: in a cli window type SortA-Z {source directory} a script will be created it T: that will move files into A...Z & 0-9 Directories The directories will be automatically created if they don't exist. or set it up in opus as C:SortA-Z {s} Known bugs: If you put icons on your drawers thay WILL be copied into that drawer :( History: First Public Release