Short:        Compare two dirs for different files, V1.1
Author:       Martin Gierich <>
Uploader:     Martin Gierich <Martin Gierich stud uni-karlsruhe de>
Type:         util/cli
Version:      1.1 (5.10.97)
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Kurz:         Vegleicht zwei Verzeichnisse miteinander, V1.1

New for V1.1 (5.10.97):
 ReadArgs() interface added, NOIDENT option added, Copyright notice changed.

CompareDirs allows you to compare the directory stucture of two
directories and it compares all files, that can be found in both
directories and all subdirectories, byte by byte.

This is very useful for checking a backup of your harddisk on
CD-recordable or another mass storage medium. Since it really
compares all files, that will be output as identical, byte by byte
you can be sure that no error occured during backing up.

It is also practical to check for differences since the last backup.

And if you have got a new archive of a program you already have,
CompareDirs allows you to check it out for different files.

The calling syntax is:

    CompareDirs <dir1> <dir2> [<resultfile>] [NOIDENT}

or as a argument template: DIR1/A,DIR2/A,RESULTFILE,NOIDENT/S

where dir1 and dir2 are the two directories to be compared and
resultfile is an optional argument that specifies where output
should be written to. By default all output goes to stdout, that
means you will see it in the console window. The NOIDENT switch
allows surpressing output of identical files.

The output looks like:

----------------  snip  ----------------

RAM:> CompareDirs DEVS: RAM:devs

Scanning directory DEVS:
Scanning directory RAM:devs
Comparing files
Showing results

Identical files:  (1650)
 DOSDrivers/  (0)
 DOSDrivers/AUX  (118)
 DOSDrivers/  (1813)
 mountlist  (4252)
 parallel.device  (4292)
 printer.device  (27420)
 serial.device  (5412)
 system-configuration  (232)

Files only in DEVS: :

 DOSDrivers/PC0  (787)
 DOSDrivers/  (1824)
 Mountlist.bak  (4135)

Files only in RAM:devs :

 bla.device  (5712)

Different files:

 clipboard.device  (6944)
 mfm.device  (6780 <-> 3848)

----------------  snip  ----------------

Copyright (excerpt):

 CompareDirs is Freeware and comes with source code.
 This means you are allowed to distribute it (unmodified and with
 source code and this readme) and you can use it for free.
 It is still copyrighted by me.

Author: Martin Gierich