Short:        Amithlon/AROS/AF6 GRUB/LILO boot setup
Author: (Lorence Lombardo)
Uploader:     lombi iprimus com au (Lorence Lombardo)
Type:         util/boot
Architecture: other

My DVD/CD units have been disabled from the BIOS and are currently booted
via the LILO boot loader with "Mandrake 9.0". This also fixes a hardware
conflict with Amithlon when having 2 DVD writer units on my system.

How I installed Amiga Forever 6 UAE 2004:-

1. From the CD directory "boot/isolinux" copy the files "miniroot.gz" and
   "vmlinuz" to the "/boot/" directory on your linux partition. I had to
   rename "vmlinuz" to "vmlinuz_AF6" since I already had a "vmlinuz" in

2. From the CD copy the directories "Emulation" and "KNOPPIX" to the root of
   your linux partition.

3. Dont forget to run lilo or alternatively adapt the lilo entry to grub.

See the following URL for related interest:-

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