Short:        Password Protection for your WB / No more uncontrolled access
Author:       T.F.M.
Type:         util/hd
Version:      3.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: Freely Distributable Freeware

                      PPS V3.0 (Power Passwortschutz)
                         © T.F.M. Productions 1998
               FDF - Freely Distributable Freeware - FDF

What's this?

It protects your Amiga from unauthorized access.
(You can`t start your WB without typing the right password in. :-) )  

I wrote it some time ago, because I couldn`t find a suitable password prog.
for me. Now here`s the free version for everyone. 


 - Easy usage
 - It`s small

 - Logfile option


       pps                   24,816 Byte          The Mainprogramm

       PPS-Install            3,164 Byte          The Installertool (German/English)

       Doc/PPS.dok            3,037 Byte          German documentation

       Doc/PPS.doc            2,887 Byte          English documentation