Short:        Great fun Pong module for GBlanker
Author: (Adam Dawes)
Uploader:     Adam beachyhd demon co uk (Adam Dawes)
Type:         util/blank
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

I remember, many years ago, seeing my very first computer game.

It consisted of a green screen, a small white square, and two long white

The object of the game was to use the rectangles to deflect the square,
whilst the other player missed it, therefore scoring you a point.

At the time, I thought this was fantastic, and evidently so did a lot of
other people. This game was Pong, and was the first computer game ever

Now our computers are slightly more powerful and exciting, so I decided to
keep the memory of Pong alive by writing this screenblanker.

In order to use this screenblanker, you will need Michael D. Bayne's
GarshneBlanker installed. I have only tested Fountain with v38.8, but it
may well work with earlier versions.

To install, copy the 3 blanker files ("Pong", "Pong.ifc" and "Pong.txt") to
the location where you keep all your other GBlanker modules. After doing
this, bring up GBlanker's window and click on Quit. Now restart GBlanker,
and Fountain will be added to the list of available blankers.

I am currently working on a number of other screensavers for
GarshneBlanker. Watch Aminet for more!