Short: Makes guides more backwards compatible Uploader: siren mikrobitti fi (Janne Siren) Type: text/hyper Architecture: m68k-amigaos AmigaGuide versions are not fully backwards compatible. gconv was written by Ville-Pertti Keinonen for converting new AmigaGuide documents into a format that is more compatible with older AmigaGuide versions. Usage: gconv [-d ver] [-o file] [-s ver] [--help] [--ignore] file Example: gconv -o gconv looks for version indication remarks in the guide. For instance, if your guide is V40 compliant, you can add the following remark before the main node, so that gconv knows exactly what it's dealing with. @remark gconv:40 Ville-Pertti Keinonen originally wrote this program on my request for a specific purpose. However, it has always been freeware. I'm now releasing it separately, so that others too can hopefully find some good use for it. DISCLAIMER: This program can be freely distributed and used for any period of time. All risks and damages arising from the use, misuse, or inability of this program are entirely at the responsibility of the user. Janne Siren December 22, 1997