Short: Index generator for AmigaGuide files Author: (Ralph Seichter) Uploader: seichter uran informatik uni-bonn de Type: text/hyper Architecture: m68k-amigaos Although AmigaGuide documents may have a node index, only few documents make use of this feature. I suppose that many people are too lazy to build an index manually (I definitely am), so I thought it would be a good idea to have this task done automatically. AGIX scans an AmigaGuide document for references like @{"foo" link "bar"} (note that AGIX does not use the node definitions), sorts them alphabetically and produces an index file. "Haven't I seen something like that before?" you might ask. Well, I have seen one similar program so far, but on my machine it didn't work, so I decided to try it myself. The result is short (only 1960 bytes) and uses StrnCmp() from locale.library instead of stricmp(), if available, and has a very nice sounding name. :)