Short: AmigaGuide-/Multi-viewer w/ XPK-support Author: Martin Gierich ( Uploader: uj3w rz uni-karlsruhe de (Martin Gierich) Type: text/hyper Version: 1.1 (28.05.95) Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.0 MiniXpkGuide is a replacement for the AmigaGuide and Multiview command with support of XPK-compressed and PowerPacked files. So you can compress all your documentations, pictures, sounds etc. using the XPK-package or Powerpacker and view them with MiniXpkGuide without bothering about decrunching. MiniXpkGuide can be started from Workbench or CLI. If no file was specified, a filerequester will pop up. It is pure and therefore can be made resident. If you have OS 1.2/1.3, it has no use at all. If you have OS 2.0/2.1, you can view ASCII-texts or AmigaGuide- databases with it. If you have OS 3.0 or better, you can view any type of file which is supported by your DataTypes including ASCII-texts and AmigaGuide- databases. It is in assembler and optimized for size (only 604 bytes long) and therefore fits comfortably in two datablocks on harddisk/floppydisk. Small size does not mean that this is a hack; it is fully systemconform !