Short: Add HTML command-editing to editor. v1.3 Author: Paul Kolenbrander ( Uploader: Paul Kolenbrander (paul serena iaehv nl) Type: text/hyper Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is replacement/update for HTML-Heaven 1.2. It now supports WYSIWYG previewing using a supported Amiga WWW browser. Eg. AMosaic. HTML-Heaven is a suite of programs enabling you easy access to HTML commands from your favorite editor. Thus making the creation and maintenance of HTML (WWW) pages a lot easier. HTML-Heaven reaches this goal by using ARexx to interface with your editor and insert the HTML commands you select from any of it's programs into that editor. As of version 1.1, the suite consists of 4 programs and each of the programs now has it's own ARexx host built in. HTML-Genie Opens a window containing 6 listviews with HTML commands grouped by category. HTML-Heaven Open a window containing a number of buttons for access to the most commonly used HTML commands. HTML-Wizard Opens a window containing 6 cycle gadgets with HTML commands grouped by category. Reaches optimum performance when used in combination with the CycleToMenu commoditie also to be found on AmiNet. (os20/cdty) ToolKit Opens a window with 2 listviews. One contains the same HTML commands that HTML-genie does. The other contains HTML commands or strings definable by the user. (registered version only) In their unregistered version, neither of the three programs support Tooltypes or on-line help. And the ARexx host is also somewhat limited. These features are fully enabled when you register the HTML-Heaven suite. At a mere $15.-. Please consult the HTML-Heaven.Guide AmigaGuide file for more information on registering as well as all the programmes features. AMINET ARCHIVE MANAGER ONLY! {please remove below part before placing on AmiNet) This is starting to become a neverending story. As it turns out the new tricks didn't agree with some Amiga's, so I had to create a workaround. This is to be the final version of HTML-Heaven 1.3. Please replace any older versions with this one. Again, my sincere apologies for this mixup and I hope this version doesn't get deleted inadvertently like the one I uploaded on the 8th. :-( Kind Regards, Paul Kolenbrander