Short: Intelligent AmigaGuide splitter Author: (Jason R. Hulance) Uploader: jason fsel com (Jason R Hulance) Type: text/hyper Architecture: m68k-amigaos AGSplit ======= AGSPlit is an intelligent AmigaGuide file splitter. By "intelligent" I mean that each of the resulting pieces is a complete, stand-alone AmigaGuide file. Needless to say, the pieces are all interlinked and behave as if they were in one big AmigaGuide file. Why would you want to split an AmigaGuide file? Well, the smaller the file is the faster it loads into AmigaGuide/Multiview. The trade-off is that it is marginally slower to go between links that are not in the same AmigaGuide file (but this is hardly noticeable if the pieces are small!). In particular, I wrote this program to split up my "Beginner's Guide to Amiga E" which I write in TeXinfo format and so produce using the excellent MakeGuide utility (and the version of MakeGuide I use can only make one large file). Usage ----- The template is: GUIDEFILE/A,SPLITFILE/A,DESTDIR "GUIDEFILE" is the file to split. "SPLITFILE" is a short file to show the split positions (see below). "DESTDIR" is an optional directory name to store the pieces (default is the current directory). Split Files ----------- A split file consists of node/filename pairs which describe the positions where the AmigaGuide file is to be split. The nodes must be specified in the order in which they appear in the AmigaGuide file. For example: Main FirstNode AnotherNode This split file specifies that *all* nodes from "Main" up to "FirstNode" (but not including "FirstNode") will be split into the file "". All nodes from "FirstNode" up to "AnotherNode" (but not including "AnotherNode") will be split into "". All nodes from "AnotherNode" to the end of the original AmigaGuide file will be split into "". If this split file were called "mysplitfile" and the AmigaGuide file to be split were called "", then: AGSplit mysplitfile ram: would split "" into the specified pieces ("", "" and "") and put the pieces into the "ram:" directory. Examples -------- Two supplied example split files can be used to split my "Beginner's Guide to Amiga E" and the "E Reference Guide" (both available in the current Amiga E distribution in dev/e). To Do ----- I might make a better interface than "split files", but they are simple enough to use... It's a bit slow at the moment (I'm using a quite general engine), but it's not something you'd do very often...