Short: Interface for CED and ISpell Author: Uploader: cret cerber ii tuniv szczecin pl Type: text/edit Version: 1.0 Architecture: generic Spelldoc.ced ------------ This is Public Domain software. Spelldoc.ced is an ARexx interface that helps using ISpell spell checker in CygnusED 3.5. It provides interactive text checking on the CED's screen. It checks the whole document and asks about each word that is supposed to be spelled mistakenly . When the user is to correct spelling, a window appears on the CED's screen. At this point the user can chose one of the suggested words, type the word again or just ignore it. Spelldoc.ced should be installed as a DOS/AREXX interface (menu Special in CygnusED). The ISpell should be available in "ISpell:bin/" path. The cli command RequestSpell (provided with this archive) should be placed in "ISpell:bin/". RequestSpell requires MUI 3.1+. NOTE: There are some serious probles (Software failture) during using the program, but it is not Spelldoc's fault. This is the bug in Amiga version of ISpell (v3.1). For example try to check word "Buther" (address 'IRexxSpell' 'check' 'Buther'). Have a nice work with this piece of software. Author.