Short: 60 fixedwidth+12 proportional Amiga fonts by Malice Author: Uploader: malice rorqual cc metu edu tr Type: gfx/misc Architecture: generic This file contains 60 fixedwidth (8*8) and 12 proportional Amiga fonts. All of these 72 fonts were pixelled by Malice/BRONX (or Mehmet Ali Sahin) between the years 1991-1993...and they were released in two disks called "Malice's Mini Font Disk #1" and "Malice's Mini Font Disk #2" under the name of Bronx... Some of them (included in disk1) were drawed on papers when I was using ZX Spectrum... When I bought an Amiga, drawd them again with an old font editor from Commodore copyrighted on 1986... And the others were results of some effort...