Short: HP42S font for the Amiga! :) Author: (Daniel Mealha Cabrita) Uploader: dancab polbox com (Daniel Mealha Cabrita) Type: text/bfont Architecture: generic This file includes the hp42s/8 font which was adapted by me from the original font of HP42S machine (a programable calculator produced by Hewlett Packard). Well.. with this font you can type hp42s programs without major problems because it has all the non-standard strange characters (try ALT+1, ALT+2.. as example) or you can use it just for fun! The characters weren't all mapped to the same codes because several of that codes are not typeable on Amiga. As possible it was, the non-ascii characters were mapped to equivalent characters on iso8859-1 charbase. Installation instructions: just copy the files inside the 'Fonts' drawer to respective places in FONTS: assignment. Try it! if you are interested in HP42S information follow my suggestion: