Short: Fleg's 8 colour Workbench! Author: Uploader: sponsfor primenet com Type: pix/wb Version: - Replaces: - Requires: Amiga Architecture: generic Here are some of my screen shots. All in glorius 8 colors. Workbench/System enhancements - NI4 (with Archæologicons,RoaIcons, and AESicons), Arq 1.83, Executive 2.1, MCP, ScreenTab3.2. Have some fun. ;) If you have the narrator.device and translator.library installed on your amiga then try out some of the amiga speech scripts in the colossus directory. If you don't have them installed, DO IT NOW!!. In the colossus directory are some speech parameters I found while messing about with two neat little programs, Nartest and Talk. Nartest is in its own archive on Aminet, look for Nartest.lha. And Talk is included in the E distribution. You might also want to get the updated localized translator.library and prefs programs that support different accents. Sounds much better with the !USA.accent. These are the versions of the files needed for the colossus speech scripts on my computer. translator.library version - 43.1 narrator.device verson - 37.7 Translator preferences, !USA.accent,(or american.accent) Talk - included in the E distribution Colossus is the computer voice from the movie the 'Forbin Project' just for those who are curious. :) Steve Ponsford fleg - AmigaNET