Short: ProLite Icons & Mr.Men CJ workbenches Author: Uploader: cpbj101 york ac uk Type: pix/wb Architecture: generic Well hi there again folks, well this is another in the all enspiring set of workbench backdrops, which are constantly being changed as my system changes. Well, regular, viewers might notice that the screens have got a bit bigger, well this is due to me managing to get a multisync monitor, the microvitec 1438 to be precise, which I managed to get second hand at a bargain of a price. This is the reason that I know use DBLPal modes and occasionally Super72 for viewing huge pictures, also included is the re-redered For people who don't have a Multisync monitor, which I would Strongly suggest getting. Especially for WordWorth V5.0 Ah what a dream to use now, even better than before. Had to come down in size of colours to 32 as any more makes the workbench slow down quite considerably, unless you are one of the fortunate people to own a graphics board. Well from the pics that I have included the first shows the different Partitions that I have now created on my 200 Meg hard drive. This was done for ease of use really as searching through several drawers to find a single file can be a pain at times, so spliting the drive up is quite a good tip. In the background I use the following programs:- Quickgrab:- which is how the screen grabs are taken, very good. MCP:- Which is a sort of all in one utility black borders etc. which is very useful for the microvitec as the screen modes look terible otherwise. Mousometer:- Which is just for a laugh really but it is amazing how far the little character moves really. BlitzBlank:- Which is the screen blanker that I use. I've tried others but BBlanker seems to work the best for me. Toolsdaemon:- Which is a must use really as it makes accessing programs a doddle. ARQ:- A new looking requester with small animations to go with the alert, ie inserting a disc used to show you what is requested, quite neat. SwazInfo:- A beefed up information viewer, more user friendly than the standard. CenterTitles:- Which basically centers all the titles in the windows. Works on all screens and applications that I have tried it with. SmartWB:- This is supposed to speed up the refresh of the windows, does make a little difference. DashBoard:- Which I have only just found at an internet site as I was browsing along, liked the look of it and gave it a go, the only problem is that it seems to interfere with dopus 4.12 and makes it's cpu counter always read 100% a bit confusing that. NewIconsV3.1 & Prolite icons pack :- Good find this and well recommended, especially the NewIcons package as this is much more appealing than Magic WB ever is, or will be, but that's only my opinion. I think it gives the WB more colour and appeal that's all. RandPic:- This is a small but smart little program that gives you a random WBPattern backdrop at every reboot. I'm in a Mr.Man phase at the min, and I think they make a good WBPattern, also I use the new IPREFS & WBPattern which allows even Jpegs to be loaded onto the WB backdrop, eat that PC's still stuck on BMP's eh, ha! well as for the other grabs it just shows the system partition with a couple of open drawers. My actual system as of 27-8-96 is A1200/030/50MHz/10Mb/200Mb with a 2.4 Speed SCSI cd-rom and Squirrel interface, along with the above mentioned Microvitec Multisync Monitor, and a goliath power supply running it all and a nice pair of Zi-Fi Pro 120W PMPO (30W RMS) speakers, which are exceptional when playing the Capital Punishment Demo, ouch! Well another archive of pictures is over for another time. Will be back soon probably if another dramatic change occurs. Till then ta ta for now. Any questions about the software used or whatever give as an E_MAIL on and i'll try my best to help anyone out. All the software that I use is copyrighted by the people that created them, thanks to everyone who helped put this workbench together, a lot more of these people are needed if the new Amigas when, not if, they come out are going to help them survive.