Short: TheBoss Workbench. Live the Fantaisie. Author: Dennis Jacobson/Fantaisie Productions Uploader: Dennis Jacobson (fantaisi thevision net) Type: pix/wb Architecture: generic The The The The The The The The The The The Fantaisie Fantaisie Fantaisie Fantaisie Fantaisie Fantaisie Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop TheBoss Workbench Seems that just about everybody wants their Workbench immortalized on the Aminet. Suppose I am no different. This is a picture of TheBoss Workbench. Actually it's a picture of the Fantaisie Workbench with TheBoss system manager on it. It's a good example of what can be done with TheBoss button interface. Although it looks busy and complicated, it's very simple and easy to use. Moreover, it can be changed very quickly to another completely different configuration. It's flexible and versatile. Can really be almost any kind of look or pattern desired. It's entirely up to you. You might consider checking TheBoss out. It's good software that with the upcoming updates will only expand and grow in capability. You will find TheBoss at Aminet/util/wb. Take a test drive and see how really good TheBoss is. Hope you like TheBoss Workbench. Fantaisie Productions ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dennis Jacobson Fantasies are wonderful.. E-Mail: Just don't try to live one! -------------------------------------------------------------------------