Short: Snap of Angel's WB Author: Uploader: adam littleangel demon co uk Type: pix/wb Architecture: generic I've downloaded dozens of other people's ideas of what WB should be. Some of them I have liked, others I have hated. But now here's my workbench grab (two of them, actually). My screen is in only 32 colours. Any more and the cpu overloads and I can't use a 115200 connection. Any fewer and my icons don't look right... I use magic menu (the new version), toolsdaemon (the original and best launcher), fullbench (why waste space on a title bar you don't need),mcp and mui, nisclock, swazinfo, outlinefont and a few others (such as memplus). The reason that I only use 32 cols and use no resident launchers or progs (all progs run on their own screen manager screen made using mui inspector) is that I only have: an original C= 1200, 10meg, blizz 030/50, 120hd, C=1960, usr 33.6 sporster voice, new style power cdrom. I reccomend mcp, fullbench, memplus and nisclock for a neat, simple wb look. The pic is from Clerks, btw. The best movie of the last two years.