Short: SoundBolt Workbench theme by Nowee for VP Author: Uploader: Nowee fr fm Type: pix/theme Replaces: same archive Requires: Visualprefs, FPPrefs, JPEG Datatype. Architecture: generic SoundBolt Theme. A technoid styled Visualprefs Workbench theme. Including 1152x900 and 1600x1200 original backdrops. Slight bugfix.. The theme was looking for a missing image, that could in rare cases prevent your amiga from booting. Now fixed Find all your Amiga favorite GUI's and Themes at: Feel free to email new GUI bitmaps or submit us ideas... An INSTALLER is SUPPLIED, but just in case, here's the : ------------------ Manual installation -------------------- -Copy the SoundBolt theme (drawer SoundBolt) in any place on your HD, best is SYS:Prefs/Presets/GUI... -Assign the place where you put your overshaker GUI gadgets as "GUI:". -Save your workbench prefs. -Copy the supplied fonts to the FONTS: directory -Replace your workbench prefs with the ones provided in drawer ENVARC. -Reset your computer. It's that simple. ----------------------------------------------------------- Please refer to Visualprefs and FPPrefs documentation on how to intall both programs and lock Workbench colors. A word from the author, Meet me soon at the Catcon 2k3, with all other SKT members! This theme is dedicated to my beloved Sabi. My contribution to Aminet. Stay tuned next release... erm... is almost ready (#@!%)