Short: My old 8 colours MWB Author: (Fabrizio Bartoloni) Uploader: lanch mail caribusiness it (Fabrizio Bartoloni) Type: pix/mwb Architecture: generic Here is the stuff I used to create my old MWB (actually I upgrated to a 64 colors WB), everything is done by myself even if based on work from other people: the Goku in the background is based on the Ham-8 animation done by TomWoof and the background for the windows is from an haiku found in Log-In n.21 1993, it reads "Yado ni te yawarakai koto o funchatta" (by night on the way to home i stepped into something soft), it's written with the excellent JiwaPro (try it, it's on Aminet!) then grabbed and readjusted. also the original palette i created is included. Readme created with ARC 3.1 - Copyright (c)1996-98 by Jens Weyer.