Short:        5+1 1024x768x24 Workbench backdrop
Author: (Saughassy)
Uploader:     sau78 freemail hu
Type:         pix/back
Requires:     1024x768x8-24 bit Wb screen
Architecture: generic

About my "Creativity" backdrops
 - These are my first backdrops so please write me your opinion
 and I'll very happy :)
 - If you want I send you the original non compressed pic in several
 formats. I prefer TIFF because it's faster my 68k WarpDT than
 jpg or iff ilbm.

 - If you use 8 bit Workbench don't worry these backdrops are also
 good in 256 colors. (For the perfect result use ImageFX and grab your
 Wb palette then render with the backdrop in 8 bit. Do not use Wb pattern's
 dither method.

 - I've created these pictures with TVPaint, and ImageFX

   Creativity-Blue.jpeg            336384
   Creativity-Gold.jpeg            263324
   Creativity-Gray.jpeg            434469
   Creativity-Green.jpeg           377319 
   Creativity-LinearGold.jpeg      204745
   Creativity-Underwater.jpeg      246444

 - Send me your comments if you want to (or do not ;) see new pics from me.