Short: Imagine object of a Spitfire Author: (Michael Barnes) Uploader: mlbarnes bud peinet pe ca (Michael Barnes) Type: pix/3dobj Architecture: generic This is an Imagine object of a Spitfire. This World War II aircraft was Britain's top fighter. I started working on the object using Imagine2.9 and finished it under Imagine3.0. I do not know if the object can be used with versions <3.0. The object contains a number of brushes that must be in the drawer Brushes: in your Imagine directory. If you want to put the brushes elsewhere, just change the directory location in the object's attributes. The object uses no textures. This object is freeware. Use it freely. However, if any animations are made with this object, do not claim that you made the object. I would like some recognition for my work. I encourage everyone to donate their objects to aminet. That is the only payment I request. Please e-mail me your comments on this object. Mike Barnes (for now)