Short: Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator Author: Nicolas Mendoza , Heikki Orsila Type: mus/play Version: 1.02 Architecture: ppc-amigaos URL: Simple port of UADE for PPC Amigas running AmigaOS. This is the binary package. AmigaOS version looks into PROGDIR: for players, score, uaerc and ENV/EaglePlayer, so keep these together. The audio output goes thru AHI V4 or later. Built with: CC=ppc-amigaos-gcc CFLAGS="-O3 -DUSE_OLD_ANCHORPATH -D__USE_INLINE__" LDFLAGS=-lauto ./configure --without-xmms --without-bmp \ --prefix=/secure/amiga/source/uade-1.02-ppc-amigaos-bin make Since it was cross compiled (I'm lying in bed with laptop), I had to build a separate gencpu and buil68k execs that run on the host machine, together with the object files needed. Hope it works ;) -- Nicolas Mendoza < mendoza at pvv ntnu no > Amiga development forums at