Short:        Debug version of Assampler
Uploader:     henning thielemann student uni-halle de
Type:         mus/edit
Requires:     mus/edit/Assampler
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Kurz:         Version von Assampler zum Aufspüren von Programmfehlern

 In a program of this size it is almost sure that there are errors in it. If you
find some of them which are not mentioned in the guide then try to use this
version to track the error and send me the resulting debug output. The output
file can be specified by the tooltype DEBUGOUTPUT.

 Copy the executable to the main Assampler directory, otherwise it can't find the
catalogs and the guide.

 The differences between this executable and the final compilation are
 - 150 KB of redundant code :-)
 - debug output
 - internal checks, which may detect an error earlier than some of the common
   debug utilities like Enforcer and MungWall. If such a check find something
   strange the program quits immediately without saving anything.