Short: #29 Magic Matrix 3 by Christian Sroka Author: Christian Sroka Uploader: christian sroka zvms1 dvz fh-duesseldorf de Type: mods/xm Architecture: generic Here is my new Song of the MagicMatrix-Triologie! It is Part 3 and a 1998th Edition! Here my old Songs (MOD-Format): 1995: #16 Cyborg - Part 3 #20 Alien Rebellion #21 7th Generation #22 Multiple Perception 1996: #23 Warp Vibrations #24 Individual Vision #25 Magic Matrix 1 #26 Nature in Motion 1997: #27 Outside World #28 Magic Matrix 2 1998: #29 Magic Matrix 3 (NEW!) 8Voices, XM-Format E-Mail: Bye! :-)