Short: Action-packed PT-MOD by Sean McLean Author: (Sean McLean) Uploader: sean-mclean usa net (Sean McLean) Type: mods/techn Architecture: generic "Video Letters to Jason 18 - Opening Theme" This is one of my all-time faves, as it's the first composition I sat down and put SERIOUS effort into. Lots of stuff going on musically, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. This was the opening theme tune for a video letter I was putting together for a distant friend. Specifically, the 18th such video letter I had made for that friend. I also put together several animation sequences to accompany it, using Deluxe Paint IV and Videoscape 3D. Perhaps I'll upload a selection of those at some point... Originally composed in Noisetracker V1.3d, then converted to Protracker format so everyone can listen to it. - Sean McLean Saturday, June 6, 1999 Need mods for a game soundtrack or other project? Contact me at: And if you want to take a peek at some of my other creative endeavours, visit my web page at: