Short: Techno by Delight! Author: (Michael Roßkopf) Uploader: 101 257586 germanynet de (Michael Roßkopf) Type: mods/techn Architecture: generic Delight - Give me the fucking bassdrum! These Mod-Files are some older stuff of me (produced in 1994). Today I´m making music with some synthesizers (Quasimidi-Technox, Doepfer MS-404, Control Synthesis Deep Bass Nine), but even on good old AMIGA (with OctaMED-Soundstudio). Besides I´m writting programs in BLITZ-BASIC. Look for my games "NuclearAssault" and "GalagaWars" and for my Battletech- Tool "Mech-Konstruktor". Here is my address, if you want to contact me, perhaps for a record deal (it´s a joke): Michael Roßkopf Saarlandstraße 25 44866 Bochum Germany Tel.: 02327/31546 E-Mail: