Short: TMUs first MOD - dated March 1988 Author: (Ruediger Engel) Uploader: unix287 ai fh-nuernberg de (Ruediger Engel) Type: mods/misc Architecture: generic This was my first attempt ever made to create a piece of music. It is dated back in March 1988 and as you might recognize it seems to be the worst ever uploaded MOD on Aminet (please check for yourself if "tmu02.lha" or this one is really the worst). Actually this MOD was "created" on my once new Amiga 500 using "SoundTracker 1.0" and was forgotten until some weeks ago. My former girlfriend encouraged me to upload it to Aminet: "There's worse music on Aminet !", she said... So please don't blame me for the poor quality, it was only a trial ;-) ============================= Archive contents ============================= Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- ------------- 28148 19819 29.5% 01-Jan-80 00:01:12 mod.tiny-remix -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- 28148 19819 29.5% 04-Jan-80 06:30:28 1 files