Short: 'Ride The Midway'. tWiLEk/rAMjAM 1994 Author: (tWiLEk/rAMjAM) Uploader: twilek innocent com (tWiLEk/rAMjAM) Type: mods/twilek Architecture: generic A chip-tune by tWiLEk / rAMjAM. Written under a very long period between 1996-97. First it was ment for the Royal Intro (the winning one ;D) for the Assembly '96, but I missed the deadline so we put it in an RamJam-intro for The Trip Party in Italy 1998. IMPORTANT: This module is a litle bit tricky. If you don't play it with a ProTracker player-routine with version 2.3 or lower it will sounds VERY bad... So don't play this module with plater-routines written for ProTracker 3+... It also sounds a litle bit strange in OctaMED but with DeliTracker it souns great... Contact: Greets: Vega, Wiz, Ezco, Dmg, Herakles, Orlando, Krustur, Zanok, General Lee, Surf, Acbs, Trivial,Zinko, Zoltrix, Cyclone, Probe, Citruz, Axetro, Vegas O Biscrok, Zak, Artie, Dr G, Payday, Klorathy, Visitor, Ghost Rider, Rune, VietCong, Swoop, Hurricane, Excel, Qen, Danzig, Wraith, Dansken, Dr G, Modem, Ela, Emsa, Kricke, Zig, Case, TLM, Po and everybody I forgot.... ;D