Short: URGENT!!! Santa Claus is DEAD. b NKN Author: (Night Knight) Uploader: nknight tesla rcub bg ac yu Type: mods/misc Architecture: generic Santa Claus is dead! How I can know that? Because he don't bring me new long expected Amiga. I was damn good last year and I deserve it. Maybe my sock was to tiny, or it is cause we in Serbia celebrate christmas 7.1.2002. However, my last chance is Bozic Bata :)) P.S. Bozic Bata Rulez! _ _ |\__ _ _ .ø. .ø. «««««« |°\| ||°¬/ |°\| | »»»»»» NIGHT KNIGHT ¶000o000P ««« | _¬ || \ | _¬ | »»» °00000° «« |_|\_||_|_\|_|\_| »» --'\://=--------------------=\\:/'--- °0°