Short: A hardcore 8ch tune by STL / Damage Author: Uploader: dragon clinet fi Type: mods/hardc Architecture: generic Long: This tune combines a few hardcore styles, acid and a slight piece of breakbeating. Medium dark and medium fast. This tune sounds a little old compared to my other compositions. This is due to overboosted, redynamized, filtered kind of bassdrum that I failed to replace. Sample or idea source was Thunderdome ][ and also some other tunes (Acidriot and Rave Base). In my opinion this tune is quite good, even in global scale. :) This tune includes: a few speech clips, acid, a few thunderdome themes and general buzzing. This acid is made using three different styles and each runs only for a brief 5-10 pattern moment so you shouldn't manage to get bored with slow acid theme developing. I tried to avoid making dark and deep low acid because computer full is too full of that kind, already. This tune requires either the tracker DIGIBooster or at least HiP 2.21 to be played (Hippoplayer's continued support for DB might be uncertain).