Short: FBY 1992 4Ch 1:10 The artic cold wolf Author: (Fabio Barzagli) Uploader: bernie shock nervous com (Bernardo Innocenti) Type: mods/fby Architecture: generic ENG - Contact FBY 'Musician' for commercial projects, or if you want to "open an FBY-Mods area into your BBS/InterNet site" (WHQ) ITA - Contatta FBY 'Musician' per collaborazioni su progetti commerciali o semplicemente se desideri "aprire un'area FBY-Mod all'interno della tua Banca Dati/sito InterNet" (WHQ) FRA - Si tu as besoin d'un musicien qui sonorise tes jeux ou tes demos appelle FBY 'Musician'. ENG - Over 350 modules composed in 8 years of activity. ITA - Piu' di 350 moduli composti in 8 anni di lavoro su Trackers. FRA - Plus de 350 modules composes en 8 ans d'activite' sur Trackers. : ENG - FBY has experience in the following music styles: :: ITA - Generi musicali nei quali FBY ha esperienza: :: FRA - FBY a del'experience pour les genres musicaux suivants: ::::: :: :: Classic - Fiction - Film - Atmos - Action - Thriller - Horror :: :: Melodies - Ethnic - Rock - Funk - Jazz - Pop - Relax - Videogame ::: Psychedelic - Techno - Rave - Underground - Tendencial - Demential ENG - These are the names of BBS/sites where you can find FBY-Mod areas: ITA - Queste sono le Banche Dati o siti dove puoi trovare aree FBY-Mod: FRA - Ces sont les BBS/sites ou tu peux trouver les sections FBY-Mod: -> [B.B.S] <- * SystemShock......(Firenze - Here you can find FBY -CoSysop-) +39-55-499038 (.28.800.) +39-55-472514 (.14.400.) :::::::: * SideFX...........(Perugia - Official SoftOne Site) : :: +39-75-6979417 or 5725175 ::: :: * Trashcan ABBS....(Oslo - Norway - Terje Hagen is the Sysop) :: +47-22-257478 (.28.800.) ::: :: +47-22-258822 :: :: * OctaMED BBS.....(England - RBF Software) ::: :: +44-1703-703446 ::: * DisasterArea.....(Torino - Infamia Amiga Scene Distribution Site) +39-11-9711343 :: :: * WarpSpeed BBS....(Palatine/Chicago - Illinois - USA) :: :: +1-708-776-2395 (.ISDN.) :: :: :::: * DoubleImpact.....(Napoli - Official APU Site) :: :: :: +39-81-5881319 :: :: :: +39-81-5888458 :::::::: * BackStage........(Koege - Denmark - Not 24hrs yet! From 19:30 loc.time) +45-5626-6392 :: * Qubism...........(Milano - Running on Amiga 4000/040!): +39-2-780832 ::: * SideKick.........(Aalesund - West coast of Norway - 3Giga HD space!) +47 70 13 12 60 * BigBeug..........(Paris - France - The official Saturne BBS) +33-1-49630439 * Metal Moon.......(Torino - Italian Scene Site - Call after 21:30 L.T.) +39-11-9138501 * Kaoz BBS.........(Dueren - Germany - Demo, music, scene oriented!)) +49-2421-931494 (.V34.) +49-2421-931495 (.ISDN.) * Cyber Valley.....(Florence - PC demo oriented!) +39-55-983056 * Plastic Dream....(Venice - XZoNe's WhQ, PD distribution site!) +39-41-5732014 (33.6 baud!) * GuildAdventurers.(Bologna - online from 10 years! STIC, RPG, GAME site!) :: :: +39-51-388759 ::::::::::: :: :: ::::::::::: -> [Sites] <- :: :: _____________________________________________________ | | * T.I.M.E W.A.R.P (Latina - The official F.B.Y. site! The most provided!) - - - - - - - - | | (Not only mods but also samples/trackers/stuff/etcc...) | | (many MBs of modules!) | (tons of music pages!) | |_____________________________________________________| * The Metronome....(North Richmond/Chicago - Illinois (USA) New ftp site!) * ...and also in "aminet/mods/fby/" of "ALL AMINET SITES" (Amiga rulez!) ( some Aminet sites: ) ( ) ( ) ( ) _____________ __________ _______ _______ .. .-----------------(_ .______) .__ \_ Y _)--. :: `---------------. | ) _)\ | / / :: .-----------------' | .____/ .__ \\. ./ /. :: `----------. | | | )| | / : ::.------------------' |_______|o |_____________/o|_______|o / :: :: `--------------------------------------------------------------' :: :::::::::::::::::::::::: M . U . $ . I . C . I . A . N :: : Fabio Barzagli :....._...................................._ :: : Via D.M.Manni 56 : |-| Phone +39-55-602214 or 8307311 / |:: : 50135 - Firenze (ITA) : o'o' ./ /. Fax +39-55-6499351 /o |:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: . ___. ./ /. FidoNet 2:332/125.9 / ^ |:: : // A M I G A :: .\ \./ /. AmigaNet 39:102/205.9 /o /|:: : \\// L 0 N G L I F E ::: .\ E-Mail )_____|:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.p.