Short: "Souls" - [piano] by ElbiE/t13n! Uploader: guffaw hem2 passagen se Type: mods/piano Architecture: generic -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ElbiE has opened him self and in this tune he shows the deep valleys and canyons of his soul and presents it to you in the form of> S O U L S E l b i E ^ t 1 3 n ! This smoothe piano tune is in the beginning perhaps a bit boring and dull. But after a while a new interesting theme sneeks it's way into the tune... After a short battle with the original theme it takes the upper hand. The power of this theme strikes hard and straight into the soul. Then the odd solo comes in and "twists" the song a bit, and when a second solo line is added to the first madness is a fact. If some day you're sitting by your computer with nothin' to do, you can always write me a letter (100% reply) at> Or perhaps u' may feel like writing to t13n!'s organizer Guffaw at> -------------------------------------------------------------end------------