Short: "Just Hear" - [chill out/trance] by ElbiE/t13n! Uploader: guffaw hem2 passagen se Type: mods/techn Architecture: generic ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- With that slow chillout beat together with that high-pitched TB ElbiE brings to you> J U S T H E A R E l b i E ^ t 1 3 n ! It starts with a nice high tb, working upward and a enigma drum to bring it down to that perfect chillout mood. Then there is a cry out, "J U S T H E A R". The cryout is a political one, read the masters learn from Engels & Marx. read them and understand the socialist message of peace. I am -not- a communist, I am -not- a revoulutionar, but I'm an active socialist, and I find the words of Marx & Engels very interesting and good. Please write me a letter> If u' wish to contact t13n! please write to our organizer Guffaw> -------------------------------------------------------end---------------