Short: Mod by Boray 931107. One of my best. Author: (Anders Persson) Uploader: di3andpe ida his se (Anders Persson) Type: mods/boray Architecture: generic Module Name: "doodles melody 3" By Boray 93/11/07 There is now at least 10 Ver.S of doodles.M 3 Amigamodules, 2 Known Amiga covers, 3 C64-Songs, And one on the vic20. And the original! (Sample $0C ), Made by Me in 1988 Using 2 Standard tape recorders, A drum-Set , A stupid keyboard, And a lot of homemade cables... You are not alowed to sell "Doodles melody" For profit. But you are alowed to copy this module.. (C)1988 A.Persson