Short:        Short out of tune piano by Jimmy Clytch
Author:       Jimmy Clytch
Uploader:     Roland Krüger
Type:         mods/8voic
Architecture: generic
Distribution: all

Another great little (out of) tune by Jimmy Clytch - the Master of
Entanglement. Time 0:52 mins. Creation date 01-Feb-91 21:41:45.
Run it with Delitracker or any other FTM-playable player you get hold
on. The Honky Tonk seems scrappy. Don't listen to it on a stereo.
Don't be disappointed by minor chords - that's why Jim called this
song how he called it.

Listen to what Jim told me:
"MINO_DANCE uses C-minor chords which might be disgusting for some
listeners. Don't worry - you still can use the disk as a good frisbee
in your backyard."

I found this tape from my former neighbour at the roof-truss in a barn
near Balmoral, Scotland where Jim used to spend his weekends during
the early Nineties.