Short: DNET src+bin for AIX systems Uploader: robtuitx isc com Type: comm/net Architecture: Howdy, I have been using this package under AIX for over a year and a half. It was first ported to run under AIX 3.1.5. When AIX 3.2 was released, it was still running but had a few problems. I was no longer able to use putfiles/getfiles from the Unix side. Also, 8 bit mode was a no go. I sat down a few weeks ago and took a harder look at the Unix source and made a few changes to the way sockets are set up and used. Voila! Things worked much better and the 8 bit code is going. I compiled/linked the files using the native AIX compiler. Use the files CLEAN and MAKE to unbuild/build the files if you choose to redo anything. You must use the CFLAGS/LDFLAGS settings I included to get this to work right on AIX. Maybe someday I'll do a proper port to remove the BSD'isms in the code, but for now I am not that interested (as long as it works). I have this directory in my user home directory (~robtu/amiga/dnet/unix) on the AIX box I connect to. I point $DNETDIR to a directory $HOME/.dnet. I put the dnet.servers file in that directory. I edited dnet.servers to use full pathnames to the files in the .../dnet/unix directory. I have .../unix/bin in my PATH so I can find the dnet executables. Put the files where you want and adjust for your account. It has worked like a champ. I dial into my system through a terminal server, use rlogin to connect to my AIX account and then run dnet -m0 from there. On the Amiga side, I am using ToolManager 2.0 and a AREXX script to fire up dnet. The command line I am using is (in arexx): 'dnet:amiga/bin/dnet' '-P2' '-Z0' '-X' '-8' '-b19200' '-B19200' '-m0' The Amiga dnet executables are ones I downloaded eons ago and are still faithful even since 2.04 and a 68030 came to my system. Wow! I have a USR Dual Standard modem and I usually connect to a slower Intel modem at 9600 baud. I use RTS/CTS hand shaking between my Amiga 500 and the HST. Please let me know if find this distribution useful or have any questions about how to use it. You may contact me at the following address: Rob Tulloh INTERACTIVE / SHL Systemhouse Tel: (512) 343 0376 Ext. 116 9442 Capital of Texas Hwy. North Fax: (512) 343 1414 Arboretum Plaza One, Suite 700 Net: Austin, Texas 78759 Known problems: 1. SNFS/NF0: is not working. The connection is made but then it hangs. I have a ton of DEBUG stuff in snfs.c right now. Just ignore it. I hope to have time to fix it... 2. Sometimes with 4 or more niftyterms running, the whole thing hangs and I have to quitdnet/startdnet to get it going again. My suggestion is to stick to 2 windows. 3. File transfers hog the modem line when in progress. This may be a feature. Also, you get better performance if you initiate file transfers from the Amiga side. I think the block size is 4096 when you do it this way versus 1024 when initiated from Unix/AIX. 4. There is a bug in AIX that sometimes causes your login session to get swapped with someone else's. Your prompt changes and when you type 'id' or 'who' you are no longer you! My feeling is this a PTY/socket bug since we see it with X windows xterm from time to time to. Please be nice and logout when this happens (if it happens). You are infringing on someone else's privacy. This problem has been reported to IBM. I hope they fix it soon!