Short:        Ant/flee simulation, with a warlike plot.
Author:       Joar Berntsen
Uploader:     joar berntsen netcom no
Type:         misc/sci
Version:      1
Replaces:     the whole aminet :)
Requires:     included fonts
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: everywhere, to everybody.

-not a game.
-bad graphics.
-not any music.
-lame sounds.
-basic code.
-badly drawn iff maps by me.

is there any way this program
is good you ask? ;)

yes, if you:

*are interested in ants.
*find hopping flees, intriging.
*like simulators of any kind.
*enjoy to see a little pixel move about
 in a stupid and senseless pattern,
 through minefields, unluckily avoiding
 food, while watching his fellowers drown beside him,
 only to be killed by an enemy laser on
 the far side of the map. :)  (I do!)

docs inside.